The Mount Olivet Foundation is funded from the returns on an endowment established by donations from individuals from the Mount Olivet UMC community. Contributions have been received since the start of activities in 1967.
The Board exercises careful oversight over the placement and use of these funds so as not to deplete the endowment and provide for the long term financial health of the organization.
The Foundation is always looking for individuals and institutions who believe in its objectives and are willing to donate funds, in any form, to support its activities. Funds are typically used to support the Loan or Grant programs. Often a fund is set up in honor or memory of a loved one. Such a named fund requires a minimum donation of $10,000. If you are interested in making a large bequest, please use the Contact page to reach us.
An Equity Scholarship was begun in 2020. Learn more about the Equity Scholarship.
To make an immediate contribution using your credit card or Paypal account, use the Donation box above. Please note that the website charges a processing fee of 2.5%. We would appreciate if you could increase your gift slightly to cover this charge. Alternatively, you can write a check payable to: "Mount Olivet Foundation", and mail it to: Treasurer, Mount Olivet Foundation, 1500 N. Glebe Road, Arlington VA 22207. Thank you.